
With less than a week to my 800m race at the Pan-American games in Cleveland I am beginning to become a little paranoid about not becoming injured.

None of my workouts in the past two weeks have been close to max speed because I continue to feel a slight injury in my right leg, high hamstring muscle. It’s possible to run continuously but if I extend my stride, I can feel a slight pain. So my plan is to keep training for aerobic fitness and run a few speed. segments of 100 to 300m with a very short stride. Early morning running this week has allowed me to get in some decent work. I hope that my race in Cleveland will allow me to run a full 800m and not have a serious mishap with my hamstring along the way. My fitness seems to be OK considering that in every workout the longer the workout lasts the stronger I feel. So, I guess I’ll just have to see what happens in Cleveland. 😊😊

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