Pan-Am prep update

The Pan-American Masters games begin in Cleveland in 19 days. I have decided to forgo running the 1500m race because of a nagging hamstring issue in my right leg. I’m not sure that I can recover fast enough to run the 800m on Wednesday if I run a 1500m on Sunday. I have not tried a serious workout in about a week for fear of further aggravating my hamstring. Over the previous two weeks I had successfully completed some arduous mid-distance interval workouts. That consisted of upgrading my normal training pace, which I believe, probably irritated my hamstring.

Hotel and flight reservations are in place. The objective remains to arrive in Cleveland ready to run a fast 800m.

Today, Monday, is a beautiful 80° summer day.The heat wave has broken, and I will be out on the cinder track this afternoon to see how well my leg is doing.

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