So, I left Florida after my 5K nationals race with a slightly inflamed Achilles tendon. I am very confident that wearing my track spikes for that 5K run is what brought on the Achilles problem. Having experienced Achilles tendon issues that lasted almost a year in past, I decided to be ultra conservative about this situation. So for the next two weeks I stayed off impact running and spent time in the pool and the weight room. I had forgotten that how much I actually enjoyed swimming and pool running. In fact over the last 2 weeks I did not miss a day of training, and I think I have maintained much of my fitness. The good news that during a 3 Mile Run on the cinders yesterday I had no discomfort in my Achilles tendon. !!
My only goals going forward are to remain healthy and fit and maybe run a decent 5K before winter arrives. Plus find a quality cross-country, non-spike, racing shoe somewhere along the way…..
All stats holding steady and positive. 🙂
Remember those waffle trainers? I got an updated version a few yers ago as my Achilles was also bad. You may also want to consider heel cups-a good quality gel from an ortho.
Glad you are doing well,