1200m intervals

Worried about the soreness in my left shin, I worked in the pool for three days.  I ran and swam for 40 minutes each day to maintain aerobic conditioning without a any foot strikes.  On Monday I ran a very cautious 2.5. miles without feeling any discomfort on the high school track before the thunder storm erupted.  That brought me up to late afternoon today, Tuesday.  I approached ththe cinder track with light legs and the determination to complete a solid workout.  A middle distance interval plan was on my mind.  I considered repeat 1600’s, changed it to repeat 1000’s and settled on l200’s if I could handle it. I was hoping to maintain ten minute pace; that is 7:30.  Warm up was 1000m and stretching and  three strides.  I successfully completed three x 1200m in 6:36, 6:40 and 6:26. That is under nine minutes!  I considered a 4th one but settled for a more moderate mile in 9:42.  An 800m cool down wrapped up a 4.5 mile day.  I was surprised and pleased with my ability to handle this work out.


Weight- 144

Steep-  Steady 8/9

Heart rate-  54 bpm

Legs and feet holding up, no issues












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