Cinder SS’s

January 7th, Thursday

Got in some pretty serious work today on the cinders which I will describe below. It was another one of those days where I had to dig deep to get myself out there. It was cold and breezy.  I struggled through a 14 minute first mile bundled like I was in the Artic, barely moving. But, as usual, muscles began to loosen up as my frozen face began to thaw. So, I pushed on like a trooper and wound up running a solid 10,000m before the day was over.

Thea run evolved into a steady progression of  My Modified Fartlek (MMF) program that I used a lot running on the beach during my trips to Florida.  I should be in Florida right now!  MMF consists of  three stages of movement; walking, jogging and running. I will elucidate on my reasoning for this format below  for anyone who would like to read it and to remind myself . The final five miles of MMF was completed in 57:33.  Along the way I popped 35 speed segments. (SS)  Twenty-four of them were the 30 second variety and eleven were of the 60-second variety.  (60-30-30).  All the speed segments were at between 6:30 and 7:30 per mile pace. The final two miles were pretty awesome. I was feeling no pain and running very quickly. The quality of this workout was a pleasant shock to me.


Weight- 142lb

Sleep- 9 hours+

HR- 54 BPM.  150 BPM after workout

No foot or leg issues

MMF consists of a quick run for a specified period of time (ie. 30 seconds) followed by a steady walk for an equal period and a steady jog also for the same time.  The run segment can be extended if you feel strong as I did in the final 11 runs today. This sequence I believe provides three positive outcomes;

1- An elevated heart rate can be maintained throughout.

2-The speed segments provide frequent opportunities for running at faster than race pace.

3 – The walking segments, while maintaining the elevated heart rate, reduce the total number of foot strikes by 1/3, a bonus for the mature runner.

The walk and jog segments seem to provide the psychological and physiological recovery to allow for a commitment to the speed segment which provides the major fitness benefit  of the workout.      It works for me.



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