April 26th, Tuesday, 10:30 p.m.
Stormy skies today kept me away from the track meet at Liberty High School this afternoon. I waited all afternoon and finally saw a break in the clouds. I did manage to get in a 5-mile run to my surprise around the neighborhood. The miles did get quicker as I got more warmed up. Throughout the run my quadriceps were feeling sore and achy. It finally occurred to me that this was the obvious result of my first bike ride on the boardwalk yesterday. Once I realize that, I stopped worrying about it. The temperature was about 55 degrees, total overcast sky and a gentle mist in the air. It was quite pleasant running. The five miles took exactly one hour. The splits are posted below in the workout. Along the way I began thinking about my previous argument lauding the benefits of so-called junk miles. Running miles today just at or under 12 minutes made me conclude that I needed a more positive name for these kinds of miles. So I decided to make a acronym from the benefits that I stated when writing of junk miles.
Please remember that I am not a doctor or a certified trainer. I speak from personal experience and information I’ve gathered from years of studying the game of running.
The benefits were;
1 – Bone strength
2 – Aerobic strength
3 – Confidence in my body’s core reserves
4 – Toughness for the rough stretches
That spells BACT Miles.
Today I ran 5 BACT miles. I like sound of that a lot better.
I-MAD – 3.5 / 4 NOT GETTING BETTER – mostly left leg
a.m. HR – 54BPM
After run -138
After 2 mins. – 114
After 4 mins. – 96
Sleep – 8.5 hours
Weight – 152#
Workout – 5 BACT miles 14:07 with walking, 11:46, 11:38,11:18, and 10:33
Hi! I just read your BACT breakdown as your alternative to junk miles. I began training for a half marathon scheduled for mid-July. My knees are screaming “what’s going on?!!!” Should I be concerned??
Hello Myra
Please remember I am not a doctor or a trainer I simply report what’s happening to my body and what works and doesn’t work for me. It is my opinion that any pain should be taken seriously. Pain is your bodies means of reporting that something is wrong. I’ve never attempted to train for anything longer than a 5K. So I don’t feel competent 2 speak wisely about miles that exceed 5 – 6 miles per day. My experience as a coach tells me that any increase in the intensity or volume of training has to be approached very carefully. If the body sends negative signals you’re probably doing too much. I also Heat problem areas before every run and warm up with sweats on for an agonisingly long time. As you may have recognized by reading some of my workouts my first mile of walking and jogging usually is close to 15 minutes. Best of luck with your training and please let my readers know how it goes.
I like the positive attitude! A workout is never a waste. Keep the heart pumping and the body young! Love you!
Thanks, Chris. Love you,too