Last run on St. Augustine’s beautiful beach

March 30th, Friday

Good bye, friend…..

After a 6+ mile bike ride yesterday following a day off, I got on the beach at midday with fresh running legs.  I ran slowly, enjoying the beauty of the natural environment and the newly-arrived, Bikini clad, spring break  co-eds, for 30 minutes north into a steady 12/15 mile per hour wind.  It was very Ernst VanAaken.  Then I turned south invigorated by the friendly tail wind.  I ran 12-speed segments of 30 seconds per segment on the way back with one minute jog recovery, picking up the pace with each segment.  I ran to extended speed segments in the final 6 minutes, one of 60 seconds and one of 3 minutes. The total time was 58 minutes. I was very happy to get in a solid workout before we began our journey home for two days on the road.

Stats are good with weight remaining at 151 lbs. Eating well, sleeping well, no injuries


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