Late 2 miles

November 18th, Sunday


Saturday was a full day of college football watching on the couch at home with Rob.      Today, after watching the Giants win their second game in a row, I left at 4 o’clock for the Cinders . The sky was heavily overcast and the darkness was falling rapidly. Jackson Mills road was closed for repairs so I had to enter the track through Thigh Park, and that is the back way through about 300 of wooden trail. I ran a mile and a half on the Cinders and out of fear of getting lost or injured on the wooded trail in the dark, returned to the parking lot in the back . After a few pickups in the parking lot in the dark, I jumped in the car and headed home having logged only 2.2 mi in about 24 minutes. Not very impressive. I have to start getting out earlier in the day if I hope to get serious work done.  I heated my calf for 20 minutes and wore a compression sock today. My calf muscle was not as troublesome as the last few days.

Stats are stable.

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