April 15th, Friday, 12:30 p.m.
“Time, Time, Time Is On My Side. Yes It Is!”
Today is going to be a contemporary blog. I decided to try to time how long it takes from beginning to end to complete a workout session if I follow all of the recommendations that I have made to myself and to others as pre and post-workout protocols. ( Is a 40 word sentence too long? )
The day begins with attention to morning stats; rest, HR, weight and I-Mad. Today that was at 7 a.m. after 6 hours of sleep, 154#, 52 BPM & 2.5. The morning was filled with chores. After a lunch of cereal, wheat germ and yogurt my attention turned to the workout.
12:30 p.m. The first decision is always where will I do my workout today? Since it is calm, the sun is out and it is about 55 to 60 degrees I have decided to do my workout on the cinders at the Horse Track. Next, I heated my warm up pads in the microwave and sat down to heat my Achilles tendons and calves. That is when I began to think about writing this contemporary post.
12:50 p.m. Dress for run and do gentle active stretching in lower legs.
1:08 p.m. Leave house for track.
1:23 p.m. Start workout at track. (Details of a happy, quality workout are in separate post!)
2:23 p.m. Finish workout at track. Find a nice guy to take my picture.
2:40 p.m. Arrive home for chocolate milk and ice and transfer workout data from watch into laptop.
3:00 p.m. Shower and change.
3:20 p.m. Running /training segments of day complete. Total time start to finish 2 hours 50 minutes. Now that’s a good chunk of the day, but if you’re retired you have that kind of time in most days. None of it is very hard, but;
Doing it right takes a commitment.