February 15th, Thursday
Today may have marked the transition from Winter to Spring in St Augustine area. The day was bright and sunny after a cloudy morning. The weather forecast for the next two weeks seems to be in the seventies and even 80s going forward. This would be a welcome change from the cold dreary weather that has been apart of how vacation for the last 2 weeks.
Today I took the bike out for a long 10 mile ride. I had intended to intersperse 30 pickups of 20 seconds each along the way. That would be a full 10 minutes of solid heart pumping. However along the way it became evident that 30 might be a little bit too ambitious. So I wound up doing 20 pickups throughout the one hour and 5 minutes it took me to ride 10 miles. I feel like I got a solid workout.
I-Mad= 2 I-Mid= 4. Effects of fast mile
Seep= 7 hours
Weight= #154:-) ft