Coach Rich Refi of Hillsborough High School has graciously agreed to allow me to publish on this blog his self coaching checklist. This checklist contains a series of items that the committed runner can keep track of daily to be sure that his body is being prepared for Peak Performance. Coach Refi has been a distance coach for over 20 years, ,and I regard him as one of the top distance coaches in the state of New Jersey. His girls cross country teams have been at the top of the state’s performers consistently for the last 10 years. This document contains the collected wisdom of many years of successful coaching experience. I believe this checklist can be helpful to any distance runner from teenage to + 70.
I was very happy to reconnect this afternoon with the Liberty High School distance coaches and athletes. I had a very enjoyable time during the previous cross country season with these gentlemen and these fine young men. I look forward to spending some time with the team this spring and volunteering once again in the fall. In speaking with these young men today the subject of Coach Refi’s checklist came up, and told them I would publish it on my blog. So, thank you coach Refi and here it is!
It would be an excellent idea for any Committed Runner to print and post this document in his or her home, bedroom or locker.
Coach Refi ‘s Self Coaching Reminder Checklist 90–95% of my day
Am I keeping my running log updated daily?
Did I sleep enough last night? 8-9 hours? How hard was it to wake up? *Sleep deficit can result in a 10% loss in performance.
Did I take my morning heart rate for 60 seconds today and record it ?
Did I eat a good breakfast or grab something as I was running out the door?
Did I eat 3 square meals + 2-3 snacks? ~
Where did my protein and iron come from?~ How many servings of fruits and veggies did I eat? 7-9?
A banana a day keeps the cramps away!
~Am I really taking in enough healthycalories everyday to fuel my training?
Am I drinking enough water every day? ~Minimum of 1/2 body weight in ounces + more for training.~128 lb. athlete needs to drink more than 1/2 gallon per day.~Intake should be consistent all day (3-4 oz. every 30 minutes).~Should drink a glass of water 2-3 hours before going to bed.
~Am I rarely thirsty and is my urine light yellow? *A 1% loss in hydration can result in a 10% loss in performance.
Did I drink chocolate milk and water right after my run?~What about a small protein and carb snack within 30 minutes?
Am I being proactive about preventing injuries?~Did I roll out?~Did I rope stretch and/or static stretch after my workout?~Did I take an ice bath? ~Am I icing after runs whether sore or not?~
Am I rotating my shoes each day?
Am I thinking positively?~
Did I look at my goal today?~Do I carry a written goal with me?~
How often do I perform positive mental rehearsal?*
The best feeling is taking the starting line knowing I am well prepared.
-I will only personally add the following. Always , everyday, bring your sweatpants and sweatshirt to practice to warm up. This should not be an option. Your muscles love to be warm help them out!