75 minutes in motion

April 12, Tuesday

Another day off my feet…….

Went back to the club today for weights, swimming and deep water running. After a  short, 15 minute, light, weight room session to warm up, I headed for the pool.   I swam for 23 minutes non-stop, a new recent PR. Then I ran 30 minutes in the deep water. Within 30 minutes I ran a 1200 stride continuous effort pretty good speed to simulate a whole mile. Then I ran a 600 stride effort simulating a half mile. All this is based on my calculation that 75 strides equals 100 meters on a track. I think that 75 strides is really longer than 100m, but it’s close and convenient. Both these efforts were quite difficult, but I was happy to complete them as I think it showed me that my aerobics are still solid and my legs have not lost too much strength.  (1200 quick strides in water is pretty tough!)

The foot is getting close to pain free.??


I-Mad = 0

I-Mid = 3

a.m.HR =54BPM

Sleep = 8 hours

Weight =  #155

Workout = above


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