April 10, Monday
National 1500m is two months from today!!!
Spent a day off yesterday enjoying brunch with Kristen in Philadelphia while reclaiming our house plants, then sharing dinner with Matty O’Rourke as he prepared our tax return. Today I returned to the pool for a pretty strenuous 30 minute effort. In the course of 30 minutes running in the deep end I inserted 7 x 150 to 200 stride pickups. I calculated that about 150 strides is what it would take on a track for me to cover 200 meters. It is pretty aerobically demanding and works my leg muscles quite a bit. So in my head I did a workout on the track of 7 x 200 meters in 30 minutes including warm up cool down?
Stats –
I-Mad = 0 ☺
I- MId = 3/4. ?
a.m.HR =54BPM
Weight = #154
Sleep = 8 hours + an afternoon nap. ?