Fit to be tied!?

September 19 & 20,  Monday  & Tuesday

To die is to be a counterfeit, for he is but the counterfeit of
a man who hath not the life of a man; but to counterfeit dying,
when a man thereby liveth, is to be no counterfeit, but the true
and perfect image of life indeed. The better part of valor is
discretion, in the which better part I have sav’d my life.

Henry The Fourth, Part 1 Act 5, scene 4, 115–121

As summer grudgingly gives way to fall, I remain in a state of temporary suspension. I am able to do some physical activity each day, and I am able to stay fit.   But I am unable to actually run yet.  The nagging fact remains that the type of physical activity I am doing is not  getting me in running shape. Every time I try a short run, my Achilles tendon tells me it’s not ready yet.  So I have to back off for another few days.  It’s not that I’m in any terrible or excruciating pain.  It’s just that the Achilles tendon is tender: it is sore: and I fear descending into the state that I faced two years ago when I had to take off about two months to recover. DISCRETION!

So, on Monday I did a workout in the fitness room for 45 minutes, and today  I rode my bike around the Jackson Liberty campus during the cross-country triangular meet for about 90 minutes.  All good stuff, but I long for the opportunity to do a 5-mile steady state road run or an interval workout on the cinder track.

Stats –

I-Mad -2?

AmHR – 55BPM

Weight – 154#

Sleep – 8 hours??

Workout – bike intervals for 90 minutes ?



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