Monthly Archives: September 2024

Tuesday, September 17

I just want to record this workout because it’s the best  that I’ve had in quite a while. I set out to the cinder track with the goal of running 10 x 400m at 10:00pace. That would be 2:30 per 400m. As it turned out I found that it was almost impossible for me to run that slow. I’m not quite sure why.  The recovery varied. Essentially I waited until I was breathing comfortably.   I did not time the recovery. At no time during the entire workout did my legs feel as though they were giving

Senior Runner/Competitor

out or getting very tired.

Hear are the times that I ran;

2:17, 2:17, 2:15, 2:07, 2:07, 2:02, 2:06, 2:17, 2:15, 2:07.

I am sure that I heard the iconic voice of Coach Bob Short in the background.

My body was quite used up by the effort and I slept nearly 11 hours last night.   My legs do not feel terrible today but I have not done anything but walk with the dog.

My training plan for the next 2 months is just to build up base so that I can begin to do some serious workouts in December and January in preparation to run the  800m Masters National Championship   and the World Masters 800m Championship in February and March 2025 both in Gainesville, Florida.