February catch up
Saint Augustine, as expected, provided ideal conditions for winter training. During the previous 25 days I have had 15 days of serious training with 10 days of resting and walking. I competed successfully in an 800 meter run finishing in a respectable 3:21. I also ran the Saint Augustine Lighthouse 5K in 30:03. OK but somewhat disappointing.
I am feeling strong during workouts and experiencing no leg or foot issues. My workouts consist of 3-5 miles, mostly on the beach, including frequent speed segments of from 30 seconds to two minutes. Lately I’ve been adding hills. Today I did the most purely speed workout probably ever. What was 10 x 100 meters at a 6:00 per mile pace on a friendly boardwalk. I was pretty surprised by those numbers when I checked my watch. That included 1.5 miles out and 1.5 miles back.
We head home in one week from today. So, I am seeking one more competition to test my fitness level.
Stats are sound!
Well, I turned 81 last week and a few thoughts have been rolling around in my head .
The 1st is that I feel great. So far growing old has not kicked my ass the way I thought it might. That’s good.
Second, 81 sounds a lot older than 80 it seems to me. Age 80 is kind of a milestone, “Hay, I’m 80!”, but 81 just sounds like an old guy. I’ll just have to get used to it.
The 3rd, I’ve gotten into the habit of doing age calculations as it might have occurred in my mind as an 18 year-old senior in high school. I never actually knew anyone who was 81 years old when I was a senior high school. But if I did, I would have come to the realization that this person was born in 1880. Rutherford B. Hayes was president in 1880. Who? It could just as easy have been George Washington or Julius Caesar . There is just no perspective for such a thing to an 18 year-old. So, I have pledged to try to remember that when I encounter young people. Just thoughts…….
Hoping to post more often in the future
ood walk that I found.