Daily Archives: June 22, 2022

Post-trial post; 9 days of work

June 13 to 21


“The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself—-the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us—- that’s where it’s at. ”

Jesse Owens


Training for the last nine days has been positive and consistent. (Posting daily has been neither.)  Alternating impact and non-impact days seems to be working out well to control my knee soreness. I have kept the mileage very low on impact days.  Pool workouts have been longer.  I had one workout on the track with spikes running 4 x   200m.  I ran eight times a 50m hill at Turkey Swamp Park dirt trails. On June 21st, I ran three 800m at a respectable under  9-minute pace on the cinders.

June 13- 35  minutes in pool

June 14-  SS @ cinders   20 minutes

June  15-  SS @ cinders.  22 minutes

June 16-  8X hills @ TSP

June 17-  40 minutes  in pool

June 18-  Spiked up 200m’s @ track.     :49, :46 , :47, :48

June 19- hot whirlpool and stretch.

June 20- 40 minutes in pool

June 21-  @ cinders 3X 800m. @ 4:27,  4:06,  4:14.    3 mile day

My watch says that my VO2 max is currently at 40. That is reportedly pretty good.                                                             In general stats have been steady and positive.