Daily Archives: October 2, 2021

Autumn 6 x 5k Series

October 2nd, Saturday


The last two weeks have been very interesting to me. After my previous post about how I had run myself a little tired after a few overly enthusiastic workouts, I was forced to do a week of very lite work leading up to the 1st, on September 25th, in the series of six 5K races I will be running this fall..  I approached that 1st 5K at Holmdel Park with trepidation. I had no idea how my body  would respond to the lite work after the hard work. It turned out that I ran a comfortable 29:48 at Holmdel.  That was about 30 seconds slower than my performance at the same time on the same course last year, not bad.

Following that race I had very severe soreness in my calf muscles notably because it was the 1st time I had worn spikes in over a year .  But, uncharacteristically, the soreness lasted the entire week. So, I spent another week doing basically jogging or walking.  Accordingly.  I approached today’s race again with trepidation. However, I was pleased to be able to run very comfortably and very relaxed and break 29 minutes at Johnson Park.  That is only 15 seconds slower than last year on the same course. So, given all the trepidations, and another year logged on the body, I survived the 1st two weeks of the  autumn 5K series in relatively good shape.    😏

Stats hanging  tight among all the September chaos.🤒