Daily Archives: July 20, 2020

Summer work

July 15th through 19th – Wednesday through Sunday

I write this as I sit on a shaded patio in 100° today.

Wednesday and Thursday I did walking only because I needed to recover from a pretty difficult mile repeat workout on Tuesday.

Friday I arrived at the track quite late as the sun was setting. I took the opportunity of a warm evening to do some speed work. The total workout took less than 45 minutes but was pretty intense. The warm-up  was the typical two mile  I have been doing recently with frequent accelerations.  I began with the goal of running 5 * 400  meters at sub 8 minute pace with 2 minutes recovery.  I managed to stay under 2 minutes for each repeat even as I competed with the nocturnals on the back straightaway as night fell.   Still feeling pretty feisty at that time, I decided to try some 200m at the same pace.   I remained on the lighted side of the track minus the nocturnals. I completed 5 x 200m at a solid pace under one minute.  This goes on the record as a successful workout.

Saturday I restored.


Hearing the ominous weather forecast for the following days, I decided Saturday night that I would set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. to beat the sun.  I arrived at the track at 6 a.m. with the goal of running 5 x 1000m repeats at 8 minute pace with two to three minute recovery.   I wondered if I could get this in before it got too hot. I completed my two mile warm up with frequent accelerations to prepare. I did manage to run 5 repeats in a progressive manner although none ever hit the 5-minute goal. The times were; 6:04, 5:44, 5:33, 5:13 and 5:09.  It was another positive day.

Stats –

Morning heart rate  @ 52bpm

Weight @ 144 average

Diet is very good.

Foot and muscle indexes are good.

Sleep a little spotty lately because of dog and morning runs.