Daily Archives: July 13, 2019

The new a.m. plan

July 12, Friday and July 13. Saturday

” You can’t talk yourself into shape.  Either you can do it or you can’t.”  Frank Shorter

I decided on Thursday that this summer’s heat is so intense that it doesn’t cool off in the early evening like it should. So, trying to run at 7 or 7:30p.m. is still running in tremendous heat and humidity making it almost impossible to do a strong workout. So, I committed to rising early before the sun gets hot for the remainder of the summer to get some positive work without melting like the Wicked Witch of the West

Friday morning I woke up at 6 a.m. and got to the cinder track by 7.  I completed  5 miles of My Modified Fartlek (MMF) in 62:00 with speed segments (SS) every one of the 10 laps totaling at least 25.   Most of the SS were 30, 45, or 60 seconds with equal walk. As I went along I extended  to 2 minutes, and on  the final  three laps I extended the SS beyond 5 minutes.  I was pretty shocked that I could do that. I felt like it was a good day’s work .The sun still rose too fast, and I was a wet  washcloth by the time I finished.  I will have to start even earlier!


Saturday – When Rich Refi told me his girls were going to be having a practice on Saturday morning at Holmdel Park, I figured it would be a perfect time to stop over and say hello to Rich and the girls.    Plus it is one of Arlene’s favorite spots.  We got to the park about 8:45.  I never saw Rich or the girls anywhere but Arl and I had a lovely day in the park and I got a hill workout on the shaded, paved path that parallels the start of the cross country course.  I ran the 300 plus meters hill six times increasing speed each repeat with a quick walk down..  It was an unusual workout for me, and I am anxious and curious to see how my feet and legs respond to it. Tomorrow seems like a good day for a bike ride or a pool session or both.

Stats have been steady and very good.