Monthly Archives: May 2019

Water day

May 12, Sunday

On a cold, windy and rainy afternoon I worked for 50 minutes in the pool. It was both swimming and zero gravity running.  Add 15 minutes in the hot whirlpool just to pamper.

Stable stats.

Bike day

May 11, Saturday

Scheduled as a recovery day, I decided to go for a long, comfortable bike ride with a few hills to raise the heart rate.  About 9 miles in about 50 minutes; no watch today.

The Goal…

May 10, Friday

“Set a goal and a program for yourself, and everything else will follow.  Guaranteed”

   —  Amby Burfoot,  The Principles Of Running


Early evening on the cinders as the temperature hovered in the low 80’s, I set a goal to run 200m efforts at target race pace with double rest.   My very optimistic target race pace is 6:00 for 1600m.  If I can get close to that goal, I am sure that it will be enough to win two titles at the National Senior Games.  So, today’s goal was to reach :45 for 200m.  I did four x 200m in :49,  :47,  :46,  and :45.  This is on cinders, without spikes not approaching 100%.  With a 1-mile warm-up and a 1-mile cool down it was a 3-mile day in total.  Not bad!


Weight =  149.2 lb. That is the lowest in 2 years!

Morning indexes are good.

Heart rate is steady.

Diet has been excellent.

Sleep equals 11 hours last night!

Stretching is fair. Body weights on hold.








1,000m tempo x 2

May 8, Wednesday


On a perfect afternoon for running I headed to the cinders to do a Tempo workout. My goal after completing a good warm up wish to run 2 times 1000 meters in 5 minutes each. I have to admit I was not confident that I would be able to do this workout. I was able to check my watch each 200m to attempt to remain constant at 1 minute if possible. I was able to stay slightly ahead of Pace on each 200m without much difficulty. I completed my two average Booth under 5 minutes to my surprise. The first one was 4:55 and the second was 4:50.  I was very pleased with this workout.:-)



60/60 work

May 7, Tuesday

New +75 training concept.  Protecting the old legs.

Ran 2.6 miles in 31 minutes.  In the last mile I ran 6  x 60 second SS of 150 strides  with 60 seconds quick walk recovery.  This procedure is constant with my recent inclination to believe that quick SS interspersed with quick walking is superior to continual slow running.  This provides for quicker muscle firing and fewer running foot strikes over the elapsed time.  My experience with this procedure has  been that, as my legs remain quick and fresh, my heart rate remains steadily elevated suggesting a positive effect on aerobic conditioning as a bonus.


Weight = 150 lbs

Diet = Great diet – 10

Foot indexes are good.

Heart rate = 54 bpm





Back to work

May 6, Monday

“Training is principally and act of faith.  The athlete must believe in its efficacy: he must believe that through training he will become fitter and stronger.” —- Franz Stampfl

 The last week has been devoid of running because I was recovering from a week and could say a month of hard work.  Also my left knee was hurting on impact.  So it was an act of caution to back off for a while. I did ride and swim and lift a few times. And I did walk a good amount. So, today, as the weather turned spring like, I took the opportunity to get out to the cinder track for some aerobic training.  It felt good.  I was in motion for 65 minutes. I covered 5 miles.  It took about 2 miles in motion for all of my gentle aches in my legs and feet two dissipate. I walked for the first 800 and then began a routine of running 400 and walking 400. It went pretty quickly and my body responded well. I think it turned out to be a profitable use of my time and energy. Hopefully my knee, which was feeling fine by the end of the workout, will feel as good tomorrow.

As I realize that it is only six weeks to Nationals, my preoccupation with avoiding injury intensifies daily.


Weight equals 150 lb

Diet is good.

Morning foot indexes very good after a week of no impact.

Heart rate is stable.

Stretching has been consistent , daily body weights random.