Daily Archives: February 10, 2019

Speed Segments (SS)

February 10th, Sunday

60*, overcast, foggy, crisp north wind; a perfect running day

Speed Segments (SS) is my new vocabulary term1 for what I have previous!y referred to as strides or pick-ups.  My training going forward will be focused on using fast running to build more and more powerful mitochondria.  So there will be many SS included. l will still include long runs and high intensity middle distance interval training (HIMDIT).

Today: 4 miles in 54:54 including warm-up of 1 mile w 5 x SS of 50 strides followed by 3 miles consisting of 17 x SS.  Each speed segment consisted of 30 seconds and 75 to 85 strides. Each was followed by a recovery phase of 1 minute with 30 seconds walking 30 seconds jog.  My HR was consistently in the range of 135 to 150 BPM.    Running north I enjoyed battling the wind: running south was a little like floating on the firm but forgiving sand.  The workout was quite exhilarating.

Good stats all around…