Daily Archives: October 22, 2018

A real “Black Box” encounter

October 21st, Sunday

The Black Box


I got a late start today waiting for the wind to die down before I headed out for a run. About 3 minutes into the run I made an irreversible decision to take a 4 mile loop.  The light faded quicker than I anticipated. So somewhere around the end of the third mile it was quite dark.  At that point I was faced with a decision of taking a Wooded Trail or staying on the road for about 300m.  I decided to”Do what frightens me!” So I took the darker, wooded trail.  It’s turned out to be almost Pitch Black in the trail. I was reminded about telling my runners to “Go into the Black Box” during a race.   I pushed on deliberately, stopping only to snap at a picture to document my adventure in my blog tonight. Fortunately, I emerged from the trail intact. I did wonder about the recklessness of my decision as I ticked off the final mile at a little quicker pace. Then I thought;


Workout =  4 miles  in 48:20

Weight  =  #153

HR = 54 BPM

Sleep  = 9  hours

Diet = 9

Foot indexes  are stable/ ok