Daily Archives: September 29, 2018

5 miles !

September 29th, Saturday

“Do what frightens you.”

On the first truly crisp morning of this season I set out to practice at Manasquan Reservoir. The team of Liberty runners was light. We had three coaches. So, with not much to do, I decided, I hope not recklessly, to run completely around the  5 mile reservoir trail. There was a bright sun shining, but 85% of the trail is shaded. So the temperature was pretty much perfect. I honestly started with a great deal of trepidation. It has been months since I last ran 5 miles without stopping. Well I managed to get around.  After running a 14 minute mile, I averaged 11 minutes for the next 4 miles finishing about a minute-and-a-half under the hour mark.  It was not an easy run, telling me that I am in need of a great deal more base. But it is major marker on the road to top fitness.  The good news is that my quadricep and plantar fasciitis issues were very minimal on this 5 mile run and not present at all for the last 4 miles.


Weight after run was #151.4 another good marker!

Diet= 8

Heart rate stable at 54 beats per minute

Sleep = 10 hours last night.  Only 5 hours on Thursday night because I was up at 5:20am to  buy breakfast for the Liberty runners on Friday morning. Long day!

Indexes = No change…