Daily Archives: September 2, 2018

Active morning, romantic evening!

September 1st, Saturday

Arlene at the Pavilion on a beautiful night.

This morning I ran a more comfortable, albeit slow, 30 minutes at Manasquan Reservoir.  After being scolded by Rich Refi for poor warm-up approach, I preceded the run with some targeted hip and leg exercises plus 6 x 100m straight-aways at gradually increasing effort.  That probably helped! 🙂  Rich constantly tells me, “Do what you teach your kids to do!”  Why can’t I remember that?

I have to remind myself that I am competing in the NJ Senior games on next Saturday for fun to avoid becoming too anxious about my current foot and leg issues.  The fact is simply that I have not run fast for at least five months.  I have remained fit and healthy by cross training, but that has not kept my legs in a condition for running fast.  The truth is I don’t enjoy the New Jersey Games half as much as I have enjoyed my experience in the National Games. So, I really do want to qualify because it provides me a goal to focus my training and a good reason to plan a road trip.

This perfect, late summer evening Arlene and I had a romantic dinner at the scenic Avon Pavillion overlooking the beach.  We walked and danced to soft, live music on the boardwalk afterward.  Arlene nicely described it as a “sweet” evening.  It was!

This lucky guy could not hope for a better day.


Sleep = 8 hours

Diet = 8

Weight = #154

a.m.HR = 54bpm

I-Mpfd = 6/7 for first 2 minutes

I-Mad = 0

Heel pain was minimal while running.  Still doing aggressive golf ball rolling.