Daily Archives: July 13, 2018

Still trucking

July 13, Friday


Forty-Eight hours after receiving an injection of trameel, I did a 4-phase workout today. The workout was a 20 minute swim,, a15 minute water run, a15 minute bike ride and a slow 800m run as a test on advise of doctor.  Throughout the 800m run I felt a slight twinge of pain with every foot strike. Not debilitating but clearly present. I think I got the sensation  that the discomfort  decreasing as I went along  as I remember happening when I had achilles tendonitis.  I kept telling myself that I probably could complete a 5k at that pace with that level of discomfort. I’m not sure what effect it would have on long-range healing, but I could probably do it.

Before I started the workout I practiced laying out my transition equipment and did a few run-throughs to see how the whole operation fit together. I think that I am getting it down pretty solid.

I have been icing and rolling and stretching at a highly accelerated rate for the last few days. The intent is that with the injection and all of the other activities I can accelerate healing and be prepared for  next Saturday. The injection is of a substance called trameel which is a natural substance designed to reduce inflammation. Apparently it has no negative side effects it has been around for number of decades. There has not been a dramatic change in 48 hours, but I’m hoping that it gets better in the long term.

Happy with today’s progress.

Stats on stable.