Monthly Archives: June 2018

Double work

June 12th, Tuesday

Arlene and I rode our bikes on the Delaware Raritan canal pathway along the Delaware River for about six to seven miles in the afternoon. It was a wonderful day. Then unfortunately Arl had a mishap as she got off her bike at the end of the ride and in the act of falling broke her wrist.  So the next 4 hours we spent in the emergency room at Huntington Medical Center. She has a an appointment with an orthopedic doctor tomorrow  at  9 a.m. to find out what else needs to be done with the wrist.

Bike riding will be on hold for a while.

June 13th, Wednesday

Today I spent at the community workout facility and pool. I rode the bike for 45 minutes lifting weights as I rode. Then I went to the pool and ran for 20 minutes in the deep water. It felt like a good hour of work that I needed.

I followed that with about 30 minutes in the hot tub mostly blowing the Jets on my sore heel.

The heel is getting better each day.

Stats are stable.


Catch up blog

June 6th, Wednesday


June 7th, Thursday

Road bike at Allaire Park for 6 miles.

June 8th, Friday

Solid water work…

50 minutes of good running work in the pool. That included  10 x my 3-part acceleration sets.  Very exhausting, but still the body adapted well to feel more comfortable with each set.  That is twice I have completed 10 sets in last week.


June  11th, Monday

After yesterday’s forced track workout my heel pad/ plantar fasciitis was just about unbearable this morning.  I would rate my index at 9/10.  It has become evident that I need to give my foot some time to recover and heal. So I  have decided to stop any surface running until my heel is totally free of pain. That might mean two full weeks or more. So I will swim and bike and water run during that time and nurse my heel. I will have to accept the fact that I will run the 5K portion of a triathlon on July 21st without pain only if I have given my foot time to totally heal.  It will be very interesting to see how well I can run 5k after having very limited road work for 5 weeks. It is important that I become totally healed because late August and early September are Jason’s run and qualifying for senior Nationals.  New Jersey Triathlon is just for fun.

Stats are stable.  Except for I-Mhd = 9!!!!

No workout today…..

Back on track

June 10th, Sunday

I enjoyed a lovely breakfast this morning with Arlene, Rob and Kristen in Manasquan. It is very rare that we can all get together these days because of their busy schedules.

It was a chilly, rainy day; perfect for a track workout.  I set out for the Jackson Liberty track with the hope I could complete some quicker running on the softer surface without doing damage to my heel which continues to pain. Unfortunately my heel never completely stopped taking during the entire workout but I ran through the discomfort. I am not sure if this is a good idea or not. I guess tomorrow and the next few days will tell. I have a vague memory of previous plantar fasciitis events when the discomfort remained the  same whether I ran or rested. And then somehow it just disappeared without explanation.  I am hoping for that  result.

The 45 minutes on the track consisted a slow warm-up, then a series of pickups run at a seven to seven and a half minutes pace. I did about 8 x 100s, 2 x 200s and 1 x 400m.  Aerobically I continue to feel very strong, hampered only by the soreness my heel from doing much longer workouts.  It did feel very good to get my body in motion on the ground. Swimming and biking are okay, but running I love!

Stats –

Sleep =  6 hours

Weight = #152

amHR = 54bpm

I-Mad = 1

I-Mhd = 3/4 !  After workout = 6/7

Long bike ride

June 9,  Saturday


Today I met George again for a multi-turn ride through the FSML neighborhood.   Covered about 14  miles in total.  The miles go by fast as we trade stories along the way. Kevin’s bike is a true racer.  I cruised the 14 miles today with ease.  Just found out that the Triathlon is June 21, not July 21, just 5 weeks.  I am growing more confident that I will be able to finish the event.  Thinking that 2 hours is a reasonable goal.  (Swim 25 mins, ride 60 mins, run 35  mins)  I think I can beat all of those times, but 5/6 mins for transitions  will add time.


Stats –

Weight – #152 after ride

a.m. HR = 54bpm

I-Mad = 1

Heel = 2/3

Sleep = 7 hours

Biking with George

June 5th,Tuesday

Monday was a very demanding day of landscaping work.  Replanted 10 plants in the front.  Feeling exhausted,I went and swam for 15 minutes and ran for about 7 minutes.  Then enjoyed a session in the outdoor hot tub.  LUCKY GUY!

Today I met my friend George along on my ride and we rode together for about 6 miles. My ride totaled 9 miles with my Crossrads 21 gear.  (Not the super racing Trek)  It did not seem like a very demanding workout.  That is a good thing I believe.


Neglect recording…

75 in motion

June 3rd, Sunday

Pleased to have gotten 75 minutes of work in  our clubhouse this early evening. Started out with the idea of maybe running a little at the cinder track today. But the discomfort in my left heel was more than I anticipated, so I stopped. Returned home with the prospect of getting no work done today hanging over my head. I felt really tired and was in the process of convincing myself that this was a good day to take off.  I talked myself out of that idea and walked over to the clubhouse. The result was 75 minutes in motion, biking for 20, working on the elliptical for 30 to 35 minutes and lifting weights and other drills for the remainder of the time. I concluded with a hot tub soak out in the 60 degree cool air, but it was fine.

Stats stable.


More water fun

June 1st, Friday

I had a very successful first experience of the season in the outdoor pool yesterday morning. I ran in the deep end with no impact for 55 minutes. In the course of this run I added 10 times three-part pick up segments. Each set consists of 75 to 100 strides at 5K effort, 40 to 50 strides at 800m race pace effort and 25 to 30 stride at Max effort. It amounts to a pretty demanding aerobic workout and lots of stress on my quadriceps. Of course the benefit is that it is without impact. So it does not affect my sore left heel. Ten sets within a workout is the most I’ve ever done. I was the only person at the pool  and in the hot tub for 15 minutes after my workout. This morning my legs feel okay and my heel is improving. I think two more days in the pool and on the bike will prepare me to return to an impact run workout. But I plan to stay on soft surfaces like the track or the cinders for a while.

Stats –

I-Mhd = 5/6

I-Mad = 0

Sleep = 7 hours

Weight  =  #154

a.m.HR = 54bpm