Monthly Archives: April 2018

Needed rest / crazy weather

APRIL 15th,  Sunday

Update – So after 4 days of unprecedented hard work, I decided to take a day off on Friday. Also the weather turned very spring like on Friday which was lovely. Saturday turned into a summer like day with the temperature reaching almost 85 degrees. Both days Arlene and I did a comfortable walk. I planned on doing a run late Saturday when things cooled off, but we wound up going to dinner with Kristen, an opportunity that we could not pass up.  During the course of a 45-minute dinner the temperature outside dropped nearly 30 degrees, something I have never seen before. That led me to vow to get up early Sunday and do a solid run. However, Sunday morning turned into a blustery, cold and rainy, crappy day.  Doing an indoor workout at our clubhouse became the only viable option.

Workout – 75 minutes  in motion …… 1/3 on bike,  1/3 on elliptical,  1/3 on treadmill      I made a concerted effort to get the most out of each machine. I am becoming impressed with my ability to do a workout like 75 minutes in motion without feeling totally used up.  I hope that indicates that my fitness level has improved.

I think I made a wise choice in deciding to take a day of rest that actually turned into 2 days of rest because my morning heart rate was recording somewhere in the low 60s. That number is 8/10 beats higher than my morning rate has regularly been for the last few years.  I take that as an indication that I needed some recovery time. By Saturday evening my heart rate was back to 54 beats per minute!  Even though I approached today’s workout with some trepidation. But I am happy to report that I feel as though my body responded quite well and I got a good days work.

Stats –

MORNING HR = 54bpm  🙂

Weight = #155

Sleep = 9 hours     (30 hours in 3 days 🙂

INDEXES @ 1    Just for review so I don’t forget,                                                                                                                             I-Mad = index of morning Achilles discomfort                                                                                                I-Mid = index of morning instep discomfort   ie: plantar fasciitis


Oh spring…..!

April 12th, Thursday

I’ve got a little spring in my step!

On the first truly spring-like day I was able to run 5 miles in less than an hour. My goal was to see if I could stay in motion for 1 hour with no particular distance in mind. Again I kept my pace at a moderate level to avoid irritating my sore groin muscle, but I could not resist the temptation to do a few pickups along the way. So I did accomplish 6 x 30 seconds surges, each time trying to run 90 strides.  I averaged 90 strides in 30 to 33 seconds each surge.   The ease with which I managed to complete 5 miles today was very surprising to me. Today’s workout marked four consecutive days of quality work. Since I have not been swimming while attempting to overcome my sinus issues, running and biking have comprised the total of my workouts. Having survived these 4 days of work with no foot issues is very promising.

Stats –

Foot indexes are all very good.

a.m.HR = 50bpm -A bit lower than usual

Weight = #155

Sleep = 8  hours



10 on the bike!

April 12th, Wednesday

Today’s ride on the bike became a surprise even for me. I was thinking I might do 4, 5 or 6 miles around the Jackson roads. I preheated my right groin area before I got on the bike. And I began fully aware throughout that I was having mild irritation in that area. It turns out that I’m learning how to use the 21 gears. That has allowed me to face inclines and hills in very low gears to allow for less traumatic pumping. About 4 miles into the ride I made the decision to take a left turn that guaranteed my total miles would be somewhere around 10. Some serious hills in the last 2 miles tested both my quad strength and my new shifting skills.  This is my first 10 mile on a bike in more than 3 years: so I’m pretty happy with the outcome of today’s work.  So far I have not noticed any increase of irritation or discomfort in my groin.

Stats –  Stable

1 hour bike/run

April 9th, Monday

Too cold for April!

On an afternoon that was way too cold for April,  I got out on the road for an hour and 5 minutes biking and running. Protected with multiple layers of  clothing , I alternated between the bike and running for a total of 6.73 miles. I would say I got in five miles riding and 1.6 on foot.  It was a new idea and I kind of liked it. I am still learning to use the gears on my new 21 speed bike.  I did set out determined to get in one full hour of work, and I think the alternating helped to make the time pass faster.  My right side groin area is still feeling annoying discomfort.  Not enough to prevent me from running or biking at a moderate pace, but still present. It definitely feels like if I pumped or ran with any intensity I would do some serious damage. So I will be content with longer moderate work until this passes.  Fortunately I have new racing goals for a number of months, just staying fit.

Stats – Stable

1/4 intervals

April 6th, Friday

A cinder track and 440 intervals cannot help but conjure up fond memories of Lincoln Park  and my high school coach, Bob Short.

Coach Bob Short     I hope you are well, Coach.

As the temperature rose this afternoon it became a pretty good day to run out on the cinders. The cloud cover remained pretty heavy and the wind was blowing a bit,  but it was a soft, clear track.  I was inspired to do some form of repeat workout today because it’s been a while since I’ve done such a drill. In my head I started out thinking about miles, dropped that to repeat 800s and settled on repeat quarters. The goal was to do maybe 4 x 440 at 10 minute pace which would be two and a half minutes per. Since the track is half mile it was a natural to figure on equal distance recovery in about twice time. So I set out on number one and managed to finish in 2 minutes which is 8 minute pace and recovered in 4 minutes.  That was surprisingly quick. Each one there after I tried to slow down but wound up running basically the same pace. It seemed to get easier as I got more warmed up.  So I did 4 in 2:00,  2:07,  2:00,  2:03.  I was pretty happy with that and the fact that I covered  a total of 4.03 miles with warm up and cool down. The whole thing took 58 minutes.  It’s a start.

I can’t be sure when I’ll get back in the pool again because I’m still waiting to return to the eye- ear -nose- throat doctor treating me for my serious sinus issues. Pool seems to be a stimulator of the sinus issues.  I am currently back to my normal semi-stuffed but bearable state.

Stats –

Weight = #153

Sleep = 7 hours  + 2 hour nap after

Foot Indexes  all good

a.m. = ?


21gears, Really!

April 4th, Wednesday.

6.7 miles on my new bike

“Cool bike, Dude!”

I had my first ride on my new 21 speed bike that I purchased for $40. I don’t know much about the bike or about 21 speed bikes because I’ve never had one before. So I rode around trying to figure out how to work the gears. I did cover 6.7 miles which was okay. I started to get the hang of it, but in general it felt like I used more energy on this route with the 21-speed than I did with my one speed. After I got home and showered, I made the brilliant decision to read up on how to actually use the 21-speed bicycle. I learned that I wasn’t doing it very correctly. So, with my new knowledge I will make another effort in a day or two. I hope to make the ride more enjoyable and faster.

Stats –

Weight = #152

Indexes = good

HR. 1 hour after ride = 64bpm

Sleep = 8 hours



Busy week, AC exit, All good

April 2nd, Monday


Cool day after early morning April snow.  Bundled up and went  for a controlled 4 miles in 48 minutes.  Legs were a little heavy with lots of layers. During the last 3 days the only work I have done has been in the house. I have been squatting and lunging.  I think it has made my quadriceps sore. My upper leg muscles were talking to me today. I also added some Arizona Drills the last time I worked out at the clubhouse .  I think I have to stop doing extra stuff and just run .  A 75 year old body does not like extra stuff  I guess .  ( I add this just to remind myself, not to complain. But I do feel discomfort in the area of my three-year-old hernia operation every time I try to do specialized mid-body work.

Closed on AC condo Friday afternoon closing a 15 year wonderful adventure at the beach and Big Town.   Excited to find new experiences.

Saturday at Raider Relays at Hillsborough to clerk and catch up with old friends from the Track and Field world.

Easter day of rest after busy, hectic, happy, sad, home breaking up, multiple driving trips to AC and Line Clerking  and  fun lunch with the Hillsborough coaching staff at Petrocks.

Also on day 6 of meds for rhinitis. (steroids pill and nasal spray)

Lots of distractions!

So the effort seemed harder than it timed out, but I was happy to get back on the road

Stats –

Foot and leg indexes all at Level 1.

Weight =  #151.6 after run, somehow!

Long SLEEP !

a.m.=  54bpm I think.