Daily Archives: February 27, 2018


February 27th, Tuesday

Got out today for one hour of work on the bike and running.  It was a bit blustery as I set out on the bike to the Shood. After a two and a half mile warm-up ride, I set out to run 3 miles in preparation for Saturday’s 5K. I figured this would be my last running workout for the next couple of days. Each mile after the transition got a little faster with the final mile ending in 10:01.  I feel like it’s taking an extra long time to get warmed up these last few weeks. I have to decide how to approach the race on Saturday in terms of warming up. I think I will repeat the Hillsboro girls warm-up that I did last week before my time trial. My plan is to do that a good 30 minutes ahead of the race and just relax on the final 15 minutes as my capillaries dilate and my muscles get totally warm. The next few days will be light work only.

Stats –

I-Mid =3  I-Mad = 2

Weight =#151.6. After workout

Sleep = 8 hours

a.m.HR = 54bpm

Workout=1 hour -6.5miles. 3.5 bike, 3 run




Lucky 75th

February 26th, Monday

Well, today marks a 75th year on the planet. It was a very enjoyable day. The weather was comfortable: I swam and ran for 40 minutes in the pool (pretty solid workout).  Enjoyed a sumptuous seafood dinner with Arlene: then we spent an hour learning how to dance the Rumba

  Who could ask for anything more?




Weight -#154

I-Mad = 1.    I-MID = 2/3.  Sore quads

SLEEP  = 9 hours

a.m.HR = 54bpm

Workout = In pool;  run 10,  swim 10, run 10, swim 10 (40 min. nonstop)