Daily Archives: February 11, 2018



I had very smooth and pleasant and relaxed workout today on the bike and in the pool: 5.5 miles on the bike in 30:00 and 20:00 non-stop swimming. It was a classic, February, St. Augustine Beach afternoon; sunny, breezy  and high 60 ‘s.  Also picked up a little color from the sun along the way.  Also working on the tan……..!

Stats are stable.

Needed rest!

February 11th, Sunday morning

Thoughts while enjoying coffee and homemade oatmeal cookies on a sunny deck with a gentle breeze………

Saturday was a total recovery day.  Arlene and I spent a pleasant afternoon listening to music on The Conch pier. We did manage a 30 minute walk along the inlet while waiting for the music to start. We then enjoyed a tasty dinner at Mango Mango,one of our favorite local eateries.

So, after a 10-hour sleep the discomfort in my right leg seems about 90% better. I guess that coming up shortly to that 75 year-old marker I have to reconfirm with myself that recovery is an integral part of the program, not a suspension of the program.

Stay smart, +70Runner guy.

Stats –

I-Mad and I-Mid = 2

a.m.HR =54BPM

Weight = #153

Sleep =10 hours