February 6th, Monday 10:00p.m.
Beach Babe Sighting!?
Acceptable effort today. 3.5 miles in under 40-minutes. I have been cautiously adding some 1:00 pickups in which I attempt to complete 180 strides. I keep the stride short with increased speed of turnover. I usually get into the 175 range. Staying cautious. This also has the additional benefit of raising my heart rate for about three minutes. Did a lot of math in my head while running today. Tried to compute feet per stride x strides per minute x minutes to establish a mile pace. Helps time pass, but didn’t resolve anything yet.
I-Mad =☺
Weight = #153
a.m.HR = 54 BPM
Sleep =10 hours
Workout = 3.5 miles in 39:00 w 4 x 1:00 pickups