Daily Archives: August 3, 2016

Walking only

August 3rd, Wednesday, 10:00 p.m.




Very depressed to have to give up another day because of my sore calf.  I’m not quite sure what I did, but my right calf muscle is aching, and it’s tender to the touch, and it tightens up every time I sit for a few minutes.  I was able to walk a few laps at the Avon boardwalk this evening with Arlene, which I couldn’t do after the event that occurred while I was running last night.  I’m convinced that I did some damage to some portion of the calf muscle.  I rolled it and  massaged it.  Can’t decide if I should I use heat or cold  on it.  So I did neither.

Tomorrow I will definitely get in some serious work.  If I can’t run,  then it will be swimming and  work the fitness room.  It’s getting dangerously close to August 28th, when I plan to run 5K in Hillsboro at the Jason Walton Memorial Run and the NJ Senior Games two weeks later.

Sorry for the whining,  I just want to log the events for learning purposes.

Stats –

I-Mad – 0

A.m.HR – 52BPM

WEIGHT – 153#

SLEEP – 9 hours

Workout –  Just walking.   Humbug!

Calf muscle cramp

August 2nd, Tuesday, 10 p.m.

Had to stop my run tonight after only four minutes because of a severe cramp in my right calf. Came out of nowhere and made it impossible to even walk for over an hour. Pain is gone now. After being totally perplexed for a few hours, I have to conclude that the cause must be that I danced barefoot with Arlene for an hour this afternoon. That was mostly on my toes! Then I went to practice and did not take enough time to warm up. Hopefully, this is only a one day setback.

Stats- Stable except for broken sleep.