Monthly Archives: August 2016

Back on the bike

 August 7th,   Sunday,   11 p.m.

A deep blue sky and white puffy clouds looking just like a painting greeted me as I started out on my bike ride this afternoon.  I set a goal to ride for one hour having no idea how many miles that would cover.  The temperature was about 84 degrees but never seemed to be a problem along the way.  I finished in one hour and two minutes and that coveted 11.9 miles which surprised me. That’s about the best workout I can hope for until my calf muscle becomes runable. Tomorrow I will shoot for some time in the pool and some core work in the fitness lab.

Stats –

I-Mad – 0

A.m.HR – 54BPM

Sleep – 10 hours    Better!

Weight – 155#

Workout – 1 hour, 12 miles on bike

Long day

August 6th, Saturday, 11 p.m.

Too much party…….

Just arrived home after a long day trying to run and visiting and partying. The day began at 7 a.m. when I awoke to prepare to head to Spring Lake for cross country practice with the Jackson Liberty boys cross-country team on the boardwalk.  It was a lovely morning with a beautiful breeze and a cloud cover that made the temperature just about perfect.  I tried to warm up very slowly and walk to be sure my calf muscle would be prepared for a nice 40-minute run on the boardwalk. That was not about to happen. About two and a half minutes into my run my calf muscle began to speak to me about not feeling too well.  It became obvious that if I continued I would have another severe cramp.  So I had to stop.  I left Spring Lake and headed home to make breakfast. It was a nice morning because Kristen was around, and we prepared to head to our first party of the day.  It  was a family pool party at Pat Conway’s  spactacular party house a bit north in Old Bridge, about a 35 minute ride. The entire O’Rourke family was present with dozens of little kiddies running around and playing in the pool. It is always very nice to see everybody and catch up.   However, we had to leave way too soon and head to South Jersey for the second party of the day.  It was a birthday party for our friend Denny who is the boyfriend of  Arlene’s niece, Rosemarie. The party was about a one-hour ride back south to Mount Holly.  It was a very nice affair, tasty dinner, and it was good to catch up with Rosemarie and Denny and meet his family. The aborted run in the morning was disappointing, but on the whole it was a very enjoyable day .

 I will have to spend some extra time in motion to account for all I ate and drank this day.
Need to get back into a solid routine!


I-Mad – 0

a.m. HR- 54BPM

Weight – 155#   Too much!
Sleep- 6 hrs -Not enough!

Workout – yuck×=+%₩¥£  0

Solid one hour

August 5th,  Friday,  5:00p.m.

Today I completed 40 minutes of core and upper body work in the fitness room plus 20 minutes of swimming and running in the pool.

The calf is feeling better. I will test it on the boardwalk in Spring Lake tomorrow where  the Liberty boys cross-country team will be having practice at 8 a.m.

Stats –

I-Mad – 0

a.m HR – 54BPM

Sleep – 7.5

Weight – 153#

Workout – 1 hour; 40-minute  core & upper body  +  20 minutes  in pool

9 on the bike

August 4th, Thursday at 2:00 p.m.

After careful consideration I opted for a bike ride today to give my sore calf one more day to rebound. Things are getting rapidly better, thankfully.  I completed 9 miles on the bike in about 48 minutes with 8 x 50 pedal surges in the Dr. Mirkin mode.  It was a pleasant ride on a pleasant afternoon in Jackson. I finished feeling exhilarated and satisfied with a solid aerobic effort.  There were no negative effects on my legs.

Off to xc practice tonight where I plan to add some core work with the Liberty boys.

Stats –

I-Mad – 0

a.m.HR – 54BPM

Sleep – 7 hours

Weight – 153#

Workout – Nice 9 miles on bike with 8 x 50 pedal surges


Walking only

August 3rd, Wednesday, 10:00 p.m.




Very depressed to have to give up another day because of my sore calf.  I’m not quite sure what I did, but my right calf muscle is aching, and it’s tender to the touch, and it tightens up every time I sit for a few minutes.  I was able to walk a few laps at the Avon boardwalk this evening with Arlene, which I couldn’t do after the event that occurred while I was running last night.  I’m convinced that I did some damage to some portion of the calf muscle.  I rolled it and  massaged it.  Can’t decide if I should I use heat or cold  on it.  So I did neither.

Tomorrow I will definitely get in some serious work.  If I can’t run,  then it will be swimming and  work the fitness room.  It’s getting dangerously close to August 28th, when I plan to run 5K in Hillsboro at the Jason Walton Memorial Run and the NJ Senior Games two weeks later.

Sorry for the whining,  I just want to log the events for learning purposes.

Stats –

I-Mad – 0

A.m.HR – 52BPM

WEIGHT – 153#

SLEEP – 9 hours

Workout –  Just walking.   Humbug!

Calf muscle cramp

August 2nd, Tuesday, 10 p.m.

Had to stop my run tonight after only four minutes because of a severe cramp in my right calf. Came out of nowhere and made it impossible to even walk for over an hour. Pain is gone now. After being totally perplexed for a few hours, I have to conclude that the cause must be that I danced barefoot with Arlene for an hour this afternoon. That was mostly on my toes! Then I went to practice and did not take enough time to warm up. Hopefully, this is only a one day setback.

Stats- Stable except for broken sleep.

Catch up – Practice tonight

August 2nd, Tuesday, 4:p.m
No run or blog for two days. Feeling pretty sore and tired since my reservoir run on Saturday. Interesting pulse rate of 47BPM at doctor’s office yesterday. (Just a check up visit.) Don’t know what extra low HR means.  Researching.
Will report on evening workout with Liberty boys XC tonight.