Daily Archives: July 28, 2016

100 in motion

July 28th,  Thursday,  4:00p.m.


Yesterday I took off completely because my body seemed kind of burned out. I guess that 3 x 1 mile andon a  really hot evening on Tuesday took more out of me than I expected. Plus I did do 7 times 100 meters for the first time in over 2 months.  So I took the day off.  Today I was anxious to get out for a legitimate run but the weather was just too overbearing.  So a little depressed, I set out to our local Fitness room to see what I could get done. It turned out that I got more done than I anticipated. I started out easy with some core work and upper-body machines. I did some stretching and some warm up exercises with anticipation of getting on the treadmill for a while. But first I went on the elliptical machine for 15 minutes just to see if I found that any more interesting than I did in the past. That was okay. Then I thought I’d go on the treadmill for 10 to 20 minutes to complete an hour’s worth of work. But it turns out the Mets game was on, and I started watching it while I was running 11 minute pace.  It turned out I did 40 minutes on the treadmill, more than I’d ever done before I think. I had a nice, long, hot shower and a walk home, and my body feels pretty damn good right now.

Stats –

All my stats were good today. I got 9 hours sleep. My Achilles was not sore at all this morning. Heart rate was normal and my weight was a very nice @ 152#.

Workout – 100 mins.   Core & upper body for 40 mins + 15 mins. elliptical  +  40 mins. Treadmill