Daily Archives: July 22, 2016

Get Ready

July 22nd, Friday, 8:00 p.m?


Today is a rest day in preparation for running with the Liberty cross country team tomorrow morning.   I am getting all my gear ready  for a 7 a.m. wake up tomorrow morning . I can not keep up with those guys, but I can warm up with them and then do my workout.  Saturday’s practice is at Clayton Park in Upper Freehold,  a part of the impressive Monmouth County Park System.  There are many trails and open fields within the park.  Last year I actually got lost doing a workout there with the team.  I will have to be more careful this time.

Tomorrow’s goal for me  is to stay in motion for 1 hour. I have no pace in mind but probably will be unable to resist the temptation to do a few pickups along the way.  Somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes in motion my body seems to get energized and the urge to accelerate  is usually irresistible.  I have come to believe that my 7 week layoff did not have a very damaging effect on my speed or strength because I did continue to do regular exercise. However, it is going to take some time to rebuild my aerobic strength to where it was two months ago.

Last fall at Clayton Park the team did one of my recommended 30 – 20 -10 workouts. There is a 800m open field with rolling hills that is perfect for a controlled workout.  I think it’s a little early in the season for it, but I hope we will be back when the season opens to complete it.

Stats – Steady except weight   @ 155#  ——- Too much beer or chocolate?!