Daily Archives: July 1, 2016

Wet day workout

July 1st, Friday, 8:30 p.m.

Olympic trials 10K final in 10 minutes!

Workout was 40 minutes in the pool on this rainy, stormy afternoon.  I decided to try an alternating approach in the pool. I did 10 minutes swim, 10-minute run, 10 minutes swim, 10 minute run. I was surprised how aerobically demanding it was.  I don’t think I’ve done 40 minutes in the water for quite a while. I did include six of the 30- 20 – 10 sequence during the run segments of the workout, and I had my heart rate up pretty high. I took the opportunity to give my recovering foot an extra day’s rest. Tomorrow I will be back at the cinders, maybe get to that 30 minute run. We will have to see how it feels.

Have a very happy 4th of July weekend everybody. The weather is going to be terrific!

The stats today were very steady.