Daily Archives: April 25, 2016

Biking the boardwalk in Belmar

April 25th,  Monday,   9:30 p.m.

Broke out the bike today.



Pumped up the tires on the bike,  threw it in the Escape  and headed for the Belmar boardwalk for the first ride of the spring.  Today there was a pretty strong wind blowing from the south as I measured the new Belmar boardwalk to be 1.3 miles each way.  I finished two laps for a total of 5 miles.  That was enough for the first time on the bike in months.  The rides south were a little rough into the wind,  much more pleasant and easy on the legs  cruising north with the wind at my back.   It is nice to have the bike again as an option going forward on the days when my legs need a break.  In the early days of my training down in Atlantic City I rode the bike frequently for 10 to 12  miles along Atlantic Avenue from Atlantic City to Longport and back.  I  have decided to use the bike and  pool on alternate days from now on until my left foot and Achilles tendon are totally healed.  I have the time.   I don’t have any competitions planned, and I can stay aerobically fit with 4 workouts a week on the cinders  or rubber and 3 days off my legs.

Tomorrow I will be going down to Liberty High School to watch and maybe help time at the tri-meet..  I will dress out and get some work in on the rubber  track.  Maybe a dozen or so 100m strides in the course of a 3 mile run.

Great weather for getting fit!  Happy training….

Stats –

I-MAD –    3.5

WEIGHT  152#

a.m. HR –  54

Sleep – 7 hours   +  1 hour nap

Workout  –  bike 5 miles

  + paint  back door trim  & back steps

