Daily Archives: April 12, 2016

Recovering lightly on the roads

April 12th,   Tuesday       8:30 p.m.

Blogging while Cousin Matty works on taxes.

Today was a  sunny day in Jackson, temperature about  55 degrees and light winds.   I set out for a recovery run with the goal of about 4 miles.  After a  half mile walk I ran 4 miles in 45 minutes on the local roads.  It was a very   comfortable effort with no attempt  to increased speed.  This was another good opportunity to work on running form elements ie;  foot strike, arms,  belly breathing and stride.  Completed all the appropriate pre and post run procedures


The link below will take you to the website of Dr. Gabe Mirkin.  Dr. Mirkin is an 81 year old doctor who is a former runner and currently a bike enthusiast. Dr. Mirkin has written about health and fitness and training for  decades.  His current posts in his weekly e-Zine  are dedicated to fitness for seniors. I especially like his posts because he bases all of his comments on research that has been done at universities and health institutions throughout the world.  I think it is excellent information for + 70 runners.  If you go to the site and register your email address,  he will send you for free his weekly e-Zine.  I recommend it highly.  I base a good deal of my training and general healthy lifestyle choices on  Dr Mirkin’ s recommendations.   Not all, but a good deal.  It just so happens that much of what he recommends is in agreement  what I have practiced as a coach for the last 40 years. Ha Ha..  A smart man!



AM HB  – 55BPM


WEIGHT   153#

SLEEP –  9 hours

Workout-     4 miles in 45 minutes

Getting a few bucks back!  Yes